Ford Escort

1600 Gle 4 Door


The 1st & Only Owner did Unfortunately NOT Worry Too Much about her..... She drove her 2 km to work and 2 km back...... BUT Left her to stand Outside where all the Weather Conditions got hold of her. Her dress was all faded and badly worn, so we had her Cleaned up and Polished. Luckily she has No Cape Chrome ( Rust ) and I was "PROMISED" that the 30 000 km on the Odometer is for real.... Although when I drove her from far away, the Speedo was NOT Working,,,,,, So, So Much for the 30 000 km BUT , I must say, She drive like a Dream and is Open for Any ( Most ) Tests Please Pop In & Check her out,,,,, At this Price I think ( Only my Thoughts ) taht this is a Bargain . Come for a Coffee & see for yourself... W App me on 082 664 2000 #OomSteve


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